Saturday, May 21, 2011

Google it...

5 weeks seems like a really long time from now but I'm pretty sure I am going to wake up tomorrow and it will be June already.  May kind of got away from me thanks to my inept ability to waste time and yet somehow stay very very busy.  I have been watching some of the videos and reading some of the blogs from the other people who are also competing in the Death Race this year and I'm not going to lie....I kind of think I'm slacking.  I don't throw tires across lakes then jump in and swim after them wearing 30# ankle weights apparently I should be.  I also don't run up ice covered mountains fireman's carrying any of my friends...I DID however run to and from my mail box (500 meters of hilly gravel) with my vacuum, a bucket with 40# of mini sandbags, a cement block, and three logs duct taped not all at one time I made four trips but honestly that wasn't all that difficult.  Today I had the brilliant idea (since my "friends" decided that after the WOD and dinner last night they would surprise me with 13 cupcakes from the gourmet cupcake store here in town...ladies and gentlemen ask any of them...I ate 6 cupcakes....6 CUPCAKES!!!!  This morning was not a pretty morning for my stomach) I went and with my 50# boyfriend climbed the step mill for 10 minutes then did 10 rounds of 7 sumo dead lift high pulls (Google it) 7 hang cleans 7 push presses then 10 more minutes with Thor on the Step Mill then 5 rounds of 5 wall walks (Google them) 7 dead lifts at 155# and 20 evil wheels (you guessed it Google them) THEN 10 more minutes with my by then ex-boyfriend Thor on the step mill then 7 rounds of 10 burp-ups (Yes maybe I AM being sponsored by Google what of it) 25 air squats and 20 double unders.  Please don't anyone bring me cupcakes any more I don't want to have to do that again. 
SO I don't know if I have mentioned this but I THOUROUGHLY effing less than three (<3 = a heart work it through) my DR compadre.  I got done with my workout yesterday only to be greeted with a medium sized fed ex box that arrived to me from Huntington Beach, CA.  Inside was a stuffed animal for Larenzo, treats for Katya a book that will probs make me cry a BEAUTIFUL picture and a love note that DID make me cry...OH OH OH and only the BEST chap stick I have ever come in contact with...listen...SARAH LISTEN peeps chap stick you all need to LOOK into it!!!  She didn't warn me that she was sending me anything she just did it...she said " I really just wanted you to have that picture".  That's the kind of person I chose to battle this thing with and I couldn't be more dead sure I chose the right girl.  A reason, a season or a lifetime....she's DEFINATELY a lifetime.

this video is for Loo...this was his FIRST instict Loo i didn't even have to coa him.


  1. Oh Katya.....Thinking about only 5 weeks left has made me want to throw up or huddle in a fetal position in the dark corner of my bedroom and not come out again. Yes, somehow i feel may has gotten away from me and managed to fly by. I feel like a slacker, but I swear I am training. It's just never going to be enough.

    I am glad you heart the surprise package....I really did just want you to have that picture :) there is a good story behing the book, it's a bit lame and predictable, but a good story behind it none the less. And I heart you for letting Larry attack the Snoopy and Woodstock stuffed animal and posting a video. TOTALLY cheered me up!

  2. Loo thats you texting me in the background BTW...

  3. Hi Girls ~ I swear Laura has been training day and night the girl is busting it out I should be such a slacker LOL! You guys are gonna do great because it is all about attitude and I see 2 strong minded women with nothing but heart so no huddling in the corner will be necessary sit back and enjoy the adventure.

    That is it from team mom for now :)

  4. You'll rock this sister. ROCK IT.
