Saturday, March 26, 2011

What? Where? How? Why? Are you crazy????

It's plain and simple.....I HAVE BEEN DOOPED! I have somehow managed to have the wool pulled over my eyes and was quickly and easily convinced that it was my destiny to compete in this race with Katy. "Listen...LISTEN...I'm dead serious I just registered for this BAMF race June 25th...the dude will give me a 2 for 1 registration if I can get a friend to do it with me...uh...i SUPER think you should come play, its BAD ASS and free (minus the plane ticket) Its not even really a race so much as like a hike and other terrible things...uh....if you read the competitors and the people that finish like NO chicks have done it really...which I think is UBES lame sauce...let it marinate...dude....I'm dead balls doing it...Team Glamazon would disrespect that thing. Put your serious pants on, read about it and give me a final ye or nay. I kinda think it might be amazaballs if we did it, wore our shirts and took LOTS of pictures!!!!" With an invite like that, who wouldn't be SOLD? No chicks really do it? The seed was planted.

The entire reason I know Katy is because I was dooped. I am beginning to think I am a little naive, maybe a little dumb, or choose to ignore common sense at times. I have only met and spoken to the girl once (actually twice), but we refer to our first encounter as "the blur" and it will eventually become one of the greatest stories told. Our chance meeting was more like an epiphany that changed our lives forever. It rings true that everyone and everything happens for a reason. So the logical question is why are you doing this insane race with a girl you hardly know? Why the heck not is my response.

The more I get to know Katy, the more I am learning that we are scary similar in more than one way. I am a competitor and very driven. I am always in it to win it. Like the boys at my gym say "go balls deep". I can't stand sitting idle and have the hardest time resting or relaxing. I do not have an off switch. And I love a challenge. I ruptured my achilles tendon playing volleyball by age 24. Back on the court playing after 4 months, back to the beach in 6. I joined a crossfit gym in August and by January they asked me if I would consider entering a competition. Why not register Elite and run with the big girls? Done. It doesn't have to be athletically related either- I have even been known to drink a few guys off barstools in challenges. If you tell me I can't do it, I will prove you wrong.

And where does this work ethic and competitive nature leave me now? With a terrible gut feeling of what did I get myself into and scrambling to get my butt training. I need a plane ticket to get there! What shoes do I wear? I need a weight vest for workouts and a ruck. Do I need a ruck? What actually is a ruck? How do I train for this? When do I train for this? Somedays I can barely make it to my crossfit wods after a long day of work. The thought has already crossed my mind that I am going to be known as "the crazy nanny" who wears a weight vest and pushes the stroller around upscale Newport Beach, CA searching for hills to climb. Whatever I have to do to get things done, it will happen.

After a long week of trying to set new PR's on my lifts and squeezing in stepmill workouts whenever I could, I realized this weekend was the start of something epic. My weekends will now be filled with crazy ideas and long workouts. My Saturday started off with 3 hours of competitive beach volleyball, which for those who have ever done it, you know that alone is enough to tire you out for the rest of the weekend. I felt like I was dragging a dead horse by the time I got to my gym this afternoon. I think the real test of it all will be how much craziness can my gym tolerate out of me? I was told 3 times today to stop doing what I was doing. Since I don't own a weight vest or ruck yet, I decided doing a farmers carry (using 15# dumbells) on the stepmill was the way to start. WRONG. I dropped the weights twice and managed to fall off once before they told me to stop. That lasted 20 minutes. Another 20 without the weights and it was onto dreaded handstand pushups. I always get yelled at for those, but at least I got a good amount done today before I was told to stop. With exhausted shoulders, I finished my workout with a farmers carry on the treadmill, going heavier with 25# dumbells. I kept up a good pace and incline for 35 minutes before I was told I was endangering other gym members. Haha. I will be back tomorrow my friends.

I apologize for my rambling and non-sensical thoughts.....but if you ask me, there isn't a lot of sense invovled in this whole situation. We are all along for the adventure.

1 comment:

  1. happy blog cherry popping!!!! Told you it only hurts a little the first time! we just have to get people to like pay us attention!!!
