I hit a motivational wall this past week…I was not feeling it I was not enthusiastic I was NOT “in the mood”. It turns out that my training wooosaaa seemed to have had its period all week…It was grumpy and cranky and didn’t want to get off of the couch. It whined for blankets and heating pads and tiger balm. My wooosaaa tried to sneak ice cream and cupcakes into the barn (to no avail). My wooosaaa traversed through a rollercoaster of emotions reminiscent to that of healthy Nor’easter. It snapped at me when I asked it if it was going to go for a run with me, it cried for NO reason when this iPhone commercial for “face time” played, showing some broad telling her dude she was knocked up, it would ONLY eat perfect grapes…like ONLY PERFECT GRAPES!!! Not the ones that you find at the bottom of the bag ONLY perfect round crunchy cold grapes. My wooosaaa would see sub-standard grapes and throw the whole bag on the ground and sit on the stool over by the window and pout about how NOTHING was going its way. I TRIED to drag my wooosaaa out to the globo to get its heart rate up and MAYBE pump some endorphins into its little body to cheer it up, but it just bitched at me about all the tornado warnings and something else about the fact that Atlas Shrugged is too didactic for the masses and the rushed production that is currently playing in theaters was probably going to facilitate that opinion…my wooosaaa is very well read apparently and thinks its smarter than everyone. My wooosaaa rolled its eyes when I pulled out my 40# lbs pack and with the snarkiest tones said “what do you think we will be doing with THAT thing today because I’m in no mood to carry anything”. My wooosaaa pretended to have a headache, pretended to have cramps, pretended to have trichinosis (until I reminded my wooosaaa that you can only GET trichinosis from pork and we don’t eat pork) “I’m sure I stepped in some somewhere”, my wooosaaa pretended to be too busy worrying about our homework to have time to make wheel barrow runs to get the mail even though my wooosaaa knows better than ANYONE that we put off our homework until Sunday afternoon…My wooosaaa was a little brat last week but guess what…that was last week…it’s Monday…WOOOSAAA!!!!!
Monday will set the tone for the rest of your amazing week. Hope you were inspired to kick some ass.. As for me I swung a big ole kettle bell today it made me happy. Sick.