Tuesday, April 26, 2011

uggg....don't bother this one is boring

OK seriously I had this really clever blog Idea while I was falling asleep last night and I was POSITIVE that it was so good that there was no way I could forget what its premise was today but I in fact over estimated my abilities to retain thoughts so you are going to be stuck with what will likely be a dry rant about the goings on of my day…LUCKY ALL OF YOU!!!!
Happy be-lated birthday Easter Bunny I hope you got everything you asked for which if all you asked for was the resurrection of Jesus Christ then…well…you win!  I recovered on Sunday like Loo I had some adult bevvies Saturday night in celebration of the race so Sunday I felt fluffy and lethargic (I know words!) I was going to head north to see my family but after  taking me LITERALLY an hour to travel 1 mile on I-95 I changed my mind…I don’t deal well with traffic and I was starting a new job position Monday so I had to be up dumb early…and I mean DUMB early.
Monday I pretended to be an adult for a little while…it was easier than I thought actually.  If you furrow your brow in meetings that you are OBVIOUSLY not prepared to sit in on and nod at appropriate increments…meh…people think you’re listening;  little did they know I was just sitting there thinking about candy…man when was the last time you just sat around and thought about candy. 
After work I went to the globo and ran too hard for 30 minutes as a warm up for the dreadful KB WOD that crushed my soul the first time I did it at CrossFit Central in Austin Texas.  It consists of 50 KB swings, 40 one arm KB snatches, 30 KB clean and press, 20 lunges with a KB pass , 10 burpees run a 400m then 10,20,30,40,50…yea and you have to finish it in under 20 minutes it makes you dry heave ask Jake.  OH yea and  I have had the esteemed pleasure of punishing a friend of mine for the last week…it’s been nice having someone suffer with me and I’m in better shape than he is so it makes me look way cooler.  I would have beaten him in the 10k Saturday had I not taken the scenic route.  He technically finished two minutes faster than I did but I had to do some re-calculating on my internal GARMIN Nuvi… I make certain he is aware of that fact.  ANYLOO (yea...I’m adopting a new term in honor of my Glamazon in arms) after work there was a WOD then a trip to Trader Joes a.k.a. the happiest place on earth and home to make dinner wicked late and try to find a channel that was NOT talking about the effing royal wedding…way over it…in fact I don’t think I was ever under it so...
Today I decided I am going to do dead-lifts because I got new socks yesterday and I want to wear them.  I am not actually sure what the work out will be but there will be dead lifting and farmers carrying and other nonsense.  I will keep ya posted.

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