HOLY EFF I learned a new word today…OK I’m lying I learned it yesterday BUT whatever you know what I mean…I digress. Tornadic - [tawr-nad-ik, -ney-dik] adjective tor·na·do·like, adjective … I heard it on the news and made this really witty, smug comment about how people in broadcasting should really focus more on their vocational prowess so that they don’t look like idiots on live tapings of their reports…tornadic…now along with inventing fear we are inventing words…it was something like that and I felt very much better than them (I’m in a book club now so superiority comes much more naturally) for like a SECOND until I looked up the word and it turns out…[tawr-nad-ik, -ney-dik] adjective tor·na·do·like, adjective. SO I learned a vocab lesson AS WELL as a lesson in humility. It made start wondering, however, if Blizzardic or hurricanic or sunshinic were also words I was unaware of…they are not. ANYWAYS so I mention this word tornadic as that can accurately describe the weather here the last two days. We had two tornadic tornados touch down in Stafford. One at the Wal-Mart where they made patrons stay in the middle of the store for 2 hours and one right outside of the gate at Quantico. It’s getting kinda hectic ‘round here. Needless to say I had to take my training indoors for safety sake and much to the dismay of my local globo I proceeded to fling things that aren’t supposed to be flung, move all their equipment around to un-standard locations of the gym…they don’t like it when I put benches over by the tread mills so that I can do sprints and decline pushups an side hurdles…they say I’m being obtrusive..or intrusive…which ever means in the way and annoying, but as most of you know I do what I want so I pretended that I couldn’t hear the complaints and continued to look really angry…for the most part people won’t talk to me if I look angry…I’m REALLY good at it…I get it from my dad. We aren’t angry people it’s just what we look like!
Today is weekly Family Funday Friday. This is the day where I force poor civilians to come to my barn and do terrible terrible things and when they are done I feed them. Last week I made them a turkey that I over cooked and roasted vegetables that I undercooked so everything evened out. We spent most of the time throwing the not-cooked-enough beets into the woods which is probably why that SCARY animal that no joke sounds like a wild rabid feral child came back. Today they don’t know it yet but we are doing 50 sand bag squat cleans – 40 I haven’t figured 40 out yets – 30 dive bombers – 20 log walking lunges – 10 burpees RUN TO THE MAIL BOX 10 burpees – 20 log walking lunges – 30 dive bombers – 40 I haven’t figured 40 out yets – 50 sand bag squat cleans….YAY!!!!
This week has not been as intense as I would have liked but I had house guests then homework. I have gotten “friended” (dude seriously is that an OFFICIAL verb in Webster’s yet?) by a few people from the race. It’s nice to know there are people all over doing dastardly things alongside Loo and I. We got one article published in the Aegis in MD we are both mentioned so we are hoping it count but we are also trying to write a submission for the CrossFit journal as well. I honestly have this sneaking suspicion that whether we get an article published or not we are going to have to push the hay bale up the ravine…like I feel like there will be some stupid trick that Andy and the rest of the Peak sadists came up with like…oh you had to have the article published in Calibri font and it HAD to be printed on the 4th page of a paper made entirely out of lanolin. NO I don’t really know what lanolin is so shut up…I think its oil right but it COMEs from sheep’s wool or something nm FORGET it you guys are SO judgmental!!!
lanolin is what you rub on dry cracked nipples!!