Saturday, April 23, 2011

I make mistakes...

So we have been over several things pertaining to my abilities to 1. make good decisions (tattoos, credit cards, that RIDICULOUS dresser i spent to much money on that looks cool but the drawers don't close, get the idea) and 2. have good ideas (tattoos, that time i dyed my hair black, Bacardi L'Orange, The Peak Death Race, the RARE 10k).  Today I am going to talk about mistakes I make.  I made the mistake of AGAIN, in the same fashion I registered for the Death Race and now find myself in this predicament of having to actually DO the Peak Death race, of registering sporadically for the RARE CrossFit  10K.  It was a TOTAL impulse was one of those adds that popped up on the side of my Facebook page much like gum and flavored chap stick at the grosh (grosh=grocery store for those of you not privy to Katya spoke...start letting me text you ... you will be a 3/3 linguist in no time).  And again as I i dooped Loo i dooped a friend of mine into registering with me...either I am really good at convincing people to be dumb with me or you all are SUCKERS!!!
SO...the day started out at 0615 on a Saturday...YAY!!!! It was raining and 40 degrees as I donned my Lululemon run speed shorts (yea they make me faster) and "Original Gangster" shirt and old newtons for the event.  I drove to F-burg, got lost OBVI and eventually wound up standing with a bib number pinned on my stomach facing at a gravel path that appeared to progress through a stupid mountain listening to a dude tell me that many horrible things were about to ensue.   
3-2-1 GO and la la la i started running.  There was a Lulu gift card at stake for the winner so i was of course aptly motivated to finish in the top 3 chicks positions.  We were all running for about a mile then they made us stop and this is where things got dumber.  "here take this kettle bell and do 100 KB swings then take that bumper plate there and go run up that mountain for two miles"  UH....ok asshole sure whatever you say i heart Lululemon stuff.  So FINE I will do the dastardly deed.  I was at this point in the 2nd place standing as far as chicks went as I can blow through some KBS.  HOWEVER that effing bumper plate was NOT the most fun i have had running up hill in mud.  Ran with that effing (just added "effing to my MS word dictionary!) thing for about 2 miles until I reached this big bill board thing...OH wait before i got to the bill board i had to run through the tunnel to Narnia which contrary to popular believe is NOT in a armoire its a flooded tunnel that goes under I-95...books lie. ANYWAYS got to the bill board and some very nice college girl that i wanted to punch in the face told me to do 100 walking lunges holding my beloved plate over my head.  The college girl did not get punched in the face ONLY because she gave me Gatorade. Got to drop the plate...and then run a 2 mile loop.  Here is where I made a mistake.  Its amazing what a wrong turn will do for a GREAT lead in a race.  5 of the top men and women including myself made a fateful wrong turn and not only lost our lead but added a mile to our distance...HOORAY!!!  We got situated ran ran ran tried to catch up made it back to the next station where they asked me politely to complete 50 burpees in the mud.  They sent us on our way with more Gatorade and that damn bumper plate and we raaaaaaaaan to the next station.  The kiddies threw a KB back at us and said "K now do 100 goblet squats wit hthe KB then pick up both the bumper plate and the KB and run to the finish line"...again...assholes.  All in All I am talking smack and it was a GREAT race and i had a blast.  RARE did a great job organizing a fun event, met soem cool people and got a good work out in.  I figure that race was the equiv of 1/16th of the Death Race so...ya know...the terror has returned.

oh...end time i register for a race...will SOMEONE remind me that I am a full sized chick and I do NOT in fact wear a size small t-shirt...who are we kidding...I ain't 12.

Side side note...yea...I know that grammatically speaking my tense and active person changes like three times in this post but i am tired and cant stop eating with it.


  1. So what did you finhish???


  2. You are the coolest chick I know!!! You freakin RULE!!!

  3. Yeah... what place did you come in??

  4. I am crying laughing so hard at this post. The description of this race sounds HORRIBLE Hate hate hate running. Way to troop it out as always no guts no glory. You are an inspiration keep doing what your doing.

  5. I have become fluent in Katya spoke.....its quiet different from iPhone spoke or text autocorrect (which I am also very fluent in). I can read the chicks mind by now. We often say how scary it is and to please get out of each other's heads on a daily basis.

    Side note: Your mistake of adding an extra mile to the race totally sounds like something I would do. Let's really, REALLY try hard to not do something stupid like that in the Death Race. Because lets be serious, it's already stupid enough

  6. Katya spoke was classic today...deejaying and wonking. Hilarious
