I apologize for my lack of posts the past few days, but I have gotten sick. I never get sick. Well, I shouldn't say never. I only get sick when I am allowed to be sick...like when I have time off from work or take a vacation (Neither of which is happening at the moment). Nannies aren't allowed to get sick. I have built up immunity over the years working with little germ carriers. It has to be a bad strain for me to get sick, and this one is for sure. Overnight, I instantaneously became the poster child for a Nyquil commercial.
I should have known better when I was running 800's in our crossfit wod on Wednesday. My legs felt like cement and as if I was dragging a dead horse behind me. I shouldn't feel like that after a rest day. Mystery solved. That dry tickle in the back of my throat and lack of energy erupted into a full on chest/sinus cold, complete with a cold sore. I haven't had one of those terrible monstrosities since the sleep deprived days of college finals. Ugggghhhh.
Ordinarily, I just ignore colds. Keep going along my merry way, they never get too bad and life goes on. Go to work, workout, sweat it out, drink some Nyquil and a few shots of whiskey at night.....I am good as new in a few days. The problem is, I gave up drinking for Lent. Yes, I am Catholic. And yes I gave up drinking (among many other things that make me not so fun to all my friends right now). It is not a bad thing at all to "reboot your system" for a few weeks. You should try it sometime. Lent is halfway over, I am feeling great and seeing the results that I wanted to see. Now back to the ridiculous and awful cold that I have come down with....After consulting with my mom (and Katy), we agreed that I am very sick and need some booze for medicinal purposes. A few shots of whiskey would not be taken for enjoyment or in a social setting, purely for killing germs and letting me get the sleep I need to help heal my body. Do you like our rationale? I have told many friends for the last few weeks that I cannot cheat on Jesus. It has become one of my favorite lines lately. But I am here to admit to you all that I just drank some whiskey and Nyquil and hope to sleep soundly tonight.
I have been very busy the past few days getting organized, buying my shoes and a ruck (matchy matchy with Katy), planning my hikes/workouts for the weekend, and working out, although I have felt terrible. I only managed to squeeze in a naptime workout today where I did 3 rounds of 10 minutes on the step mill wearing a 50# pack, 30 pushups and 30 burpees. My chest was on fire, my nose running like a faucet, and I sweat out every ounce of liquid I had. I left full body marks on the floor where I did my burpees and it was hard to swallow the rest of the day my throat was so raw. Not so smart, I know.
I am starting to feel woozy....and sleepy....let's hope I get some good sleep and wake up feeling better tomorrow...Zzzzzz....
Don't cheat on Jesus... If the monks use it it's legal...