Thursday, April 28, 2011

I love my ruck

I love my ruck. I love my ruck. I love my ruck. That's what I keep telling myself everyday. And you know what? I kinda am starting to have some sort of positive feelings for my ruck. Not love by any means, but we are moving in the right direction. I no longer view him as a ruck, but a common accessory to be worn and included in everyday activities. Today was another day that I embraced the stares as I trekked along pushing the stroller and wearing my 50# ruck like it was supposed to be there with me. At the post office. And Trader Joes. Yep, it's normal. I have finally figured out the fine line of balance on how to hold the dog leash, stroller and bend down to pick up dog poop. Today I even wrestled with a squirmy 9 month old in the restroom stall to change a blowout diaper, all while wearing my ruck. Add that to my nanny resume. Don't get me wrong, I still dread putting him on for those long hikes on the weekends and it takes me a few miles to warm up to him, but we are working on growing together.

This week has been another one to roll with the punches and take what you can get. My work schedule was all over the place and I had to work late nights, which meant I had to get my butt to the gym to crossfit at 6am (and head to work a little late) before working 12 plus hour days. At first I didn't think I could handle another week of being out of routine, but it has proven to be another physical and mental challenge that I have attacked and succeeded at. I told myself after playing college volleyball that required many, many early morning workouts (like setting volleyballs at 4:30am is fun or functional), I would not voluntarily torture my creaky, beat up body with workouts unless absolutely necessary. Well, it was absolutely necessary. So there I was throwing weight around with those few dedicated crossfitters at 6am. By Wednesday morning I was sitting at the edge of my bed after my alarm went off, debating whether to give my aching back a rest and put my head back on my pillow for another hour where it deserved to be, or get my sweat on. Then I remembered one thing....Katy is suffering over there on the east coast. THANK YOU KATY. I heart you. I got dressed, raced to the gym without eating breakfast because of my bedside motivational issues, only to see Murph written on the wipe board. Seriously? I thought it was a joke. For those that don't crossfit, Murph is the benchmark workout of run 1 mile, complete 100 pullups 200 pushups 300 air squats, run 1 mile. I actually voluntarily attempted Murph a few weeks ago, before one of my hikes. But not at 6am. Did I mention that I chose to eat a ginormous hunk of carrot cake for dinner the night before? Yep, that seemed like a great option and fuel for an early workout. When you add all those factors up, you know what you get? A new PR! Yeah buddy! Does this mean I can eat carrot cake for dinner every night???

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