I have a new least favorite game to play. It is called "Let's see what we can make Katya do" Its is apparently becoming a popular past time at my local globo gym and today was Darrell's turn. D is a Kettle Bell instructor and yes yes I am familiar with the little cannon balls with handles but I also am familiar with the fact that a KB workout is a completely different animal than barbells, burpees, logs and wheel barrows and this morning was no different. D showed up, true to form, with his bag of evil. He told me that we would be performing "doubles" today which for those of you not privy to the KB jargon means we will be using one kettle bell in each hand instead of the usual one bell per two hands. This may not sound all that terrible but I am here to explain that it makes things MUCH more painful and MUCH less comfortable. Post my genius warm up which to my demise was hand stands to stretch out my shoulders (and in turn exhaust the two things I was about to use the most). We started off with bottoms up squat/presses. Let me describe this little gem to any laymen in the group. basically you hold the KB so that the bottom is facing the ceiling. This requires wrist stability and strength , balance and core for days...if you can imagine holding a 16kg cannon ball upside down by a tiny handle in each hand that might be the closest you can come to developing any sympathy. after that we went on to perform 20 double kettle bell swings straight into 15 double KB jerks, straight into 15 double KB cleans and presses, 15 double KB high pulls, 15 double snatches 20 double KB see saw presses, 20 pull-ups breath....then do that again three more times. If THAT wasn't enough "OH let's do for the last 6 minutes 15 seconds on 15 seconds off of as many one-armed KB snatches as you can!!! YAY!!!" Now I get that all that nonsense will be hard for most people to visualize BUT you can certainly take my word that I WAS WRECKED. After we were done Darrell looked at me and laughed "your shoulders are about three times bigger than when we started" uuuuuhhh yea...we DEFINED get your swoll on today.
Next let's see what Katya can do was a 3 mile random incline 50# ruck march @ 4 MHR on the tread mill (YES I know geeeze but it's been POURING rain today so I used the tread mill...I MAKE DO QUIT GIVING ME A HARD TIME!) I would like to inform anyone that is curious that HOLY EFFING TERRIBLE BAT MAN. Yea...thanks Zeal that was NOT the best time I have had recently.
I'm still waiting...patiently for the breakthrough when I can write these soliloquies about how easy training was or how I wasn't at all uncomfortable at any point during the day, ate a normal amount of food and was full, how I wake up refreshed and light as air able to move without having to drag my cement filled body around my barn or office. I'M WAITING but I am going to go ahead and bet that Those blogs are the ones that come 2 weeks post Death Race 2011....can't wait!
what are you going to do (training-wise) after the race?? You're going to be so bored