HOLY CRAP Loo has the BEST story to tell everyone! It made me laugh embarrassingly loudly for an uncomfortable amount of time. I am not really going to type all that much today as my hands are shot. Yesterday was a little rough as far as training went. Thor and I split up unfortunately not before I had a child with him out of wed-lock. The child weighs 80# and look eerily similar to an old military sea bag that was filled with wood pellets. My son and I did 10 minutes of sand bag Turkish get-ups yesterday (http://mtnathlete.com/subpage_details.php?subpage_ID=403&page_ID=14) followed by 10 rounds of: 30 X step-ups (40#) 5X thrusters (65#) 7X ankles to bar 15 KB swings (24kg) with 30 seconds of rest between rounds…THEN I ran 5 miles up and down the STUPID street which Deb, Alan, Jake, uh…Dayspring can tell you is up hill the WHOLE way back. Needless to say when I went to class at night to learn all about using MS word 07 (something I had mastered like 3 years ago but whatever it gets me BAH so I look confused all the time and pretend to have trouble when asked to make labels and copy and paste paragraphs). I also woke up this AM a little less smart...walked aroudn in small circles for 10 minutes this morning trying to figure out how to get dressed...not what to wear but HOW to get dressed.
I would now like to briefly discuss the positive effects all this training has had on my life and the ways in which it benefits me and those around me. Firstly…all of the participants in Friday Family Funday get to experience a little bit of fun with sandbags and gravel hills so that’s always a plus. The people I work with get to ask me all day everyday “Katya what the hell are you eating that smells like that?”. My car is CONSTANTLY filled with the most ridiculous items…meh well we all know that’s not really all that different than before and lastly I can now carry DOZENS of bags of groceries up the two flights of stairs to the barn in one trip…thanks farmers carries…you ARE useful don’t let anyone tell you different!
thats right one trip!
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