Saturday, May 21, 2011

Donald Trump would say....

YOU'RE FIRED!!!!! Lets face facts folks. I am not the most diligent or committed about blogging. If this was my real job and how I made my money, lets hope I would do better. I am definitely a slacker. I just don't enjoy writing as much as Katya, she is WAY BETTER at entertaining you all.

So I am kinda feeling the same way as Katya.....where did May go? And how do we have only 5 weeks left before the race? I too have been watching training videos, reading articles on the previous death racers and basically want to vomit all the time. I feel like a slacker, but I swear I am training. It just doesn't seem extreme or crazy enough....but can we really be prepared for what they are going to throw at us? After receiving an email from the Death Race staff this week, I think not. It is going to be a mindset to finish and survive. There is no way to really train for the unknown head of us. So far I do know that we will need goggles and a Dixon Ticonderoga #2 lead pencil. The beginning of the gear list.

My training seems like it is not enough, but this is what I have managed to accomplish in the last week or so....Hiking 12 miles with my 50# pack through a canyon, either pack walks or daily runs with the stroller and dog (I got called a MILF the other day!!!), after work I do daily crossfit wods which I now do guys rx weight whenever possible and sometimes double up on wods when I can. Even though I feel exhausted and worn out from working and training all the time, I managed to PR all of my lifts this week. Very proud of that. I am feeling stronger, my endurance is better, I just feel like I can last and push myself through more.

Today started with a bit of an unmotivated attitude. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself I leg is a little banged up at the moment (just a sore ankle and knee courtesy of my previously ruptured achilles and weak calf muscle) and my right shoulder/pectoral muscle is still sore from my random muscle spasm I experienced this past week at crossfit. Ya, I don't like to tell Katya about my injuries either. Surprise! But I got my butt to an early crossfit class to be welcomed by the exact workout that I needed to do. In my mind I was going to do Murph if it was a bad one and then go for a decent hike carrying lots of fun and random objects. The daily WOD was a partner workout. Perform an 800m buddy carry (I had a girl partner who weighed 135# and couldn't carry me. Yay extra work! No seriously, YAY!) Then complete 100 burpee box jumps 100 OHSquats 100 Dumbbell Snatches 100 Ninja Rolls. One partner works while one partner does a farmers carry about 150m. I got a lot of reps in and got to do farmers carries. Finished the wod with a 400m sprint. Got a lot of work in and felt great doing it. Felt so great that I decided to head to the stairs and hills in CDM and created an aggressive workout that once I started to do, realized it would probably take me all day to complete. Like at least 5 hours, so I modified it. Original plan was take 10 trips on each of the 3 hills and 3 sets of stairs (about 100-130 steps) wearing my 50# pack and carrying either a 60# sandbag or 40# sand bucket on each trip. BAHAHAHHAHA. I am funny. That was a great thought. The hills are a lot longer and steeper than I remembered. And in case you never tried to carry all that extra weight around up and down hills, bobbing and weaving through beach goer traffic, it really kinda sucks. First hill I did 10 trips with that stupid 60# sandbag and wearing my pack. My forearms felt all the farmers carries from my crossfit workout after heading down the hill the first round. On to hill #2 and I lugged that 40# bucket of gravel up and down 10 times. Ridiculous bruises on my legs and my traps were pretty much done. Did I mention I walked a total of probably 2 miles to and from my car and hills with all this nonsense. Yep, 10 trips on 2 hills seemed just fine for me today. I got a ton of stares and was asked by many people what I am training for.....everyone I spoke to said it seemed crazy, but I looked pretty bad ass moving up and down those hills. As terrible as it felt doing it, I guess I looked good at least. Hahaha.

One thing is for sure, hiking up and down those hills and stairs is going to help in the long run. I will be able to carry extra weight like the big boys. Count on it. I don't like that I had to modify my workout today, so I plan on attacking all the hills and stairs again soon. Like tomorrow.

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